Our Classroom Website

Second Grade Classwork

Week of May 7-11


Remember to check planners nightly for spelling words, homework, upcoming tests, and other important notes.


Here's a quick look at what is going on in each subject!

MATH - We will wrap up adding and subtracting with 3 digits AND regrouping this week.


LANGUAGE ARTS - This week's story is called "Bad Dog, Dodger."  The class had already decided that we should have a dog for a class pet.  I expect that discussion to continue this week!  Our spelling words will have the consonent blends kn, gn, mb, and wr.  


SCIENCE- We will finish Chapter 7, on weather and the water cycle, this week and have a test on Tuesday.


We are going to begin a program given to us by the Diocese called "Too Cool For Drugs".  The first two lessons are on having goals and consequences of our actions.  Papers will come home with your children so you can talk about these topics with them as well.